Carb backloading may allow the body to more effectively utilize carbs for recovery & glycogen replenishment, instead of storing them as fat.
Category: Nutrition
This shopping list will help you find everything you need to build muscle.. Even during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Proteins, Cabs, & Fats included.
If you're into bodybuilding, MCT Oil is probably something you've heard of. Does it help with fat loss? Muscle gain? Performance? Read this to find out.
Proper Intra-Workout nutrition may lead to increased gains. Learn exactly what to consume while you are training to optimize your workout. This guide covers all the bases.
When it comes to choosing protein sources for bodybuilding you have to consider the quality, taste, convenience, and cost. Check out my top 3 and why I picked them.
My Method: Intermittent Fasting for Cutting – Why I’m Not Doing it This Year
Intermittent Fasting is awesome and has many benefits that i'll touch on. I'm not doing I.F. for my cut this year. Here's why...