Intermittent Fasting is a valuable tool for losing weight or staying lean year-round, but is it any good for building muscle? Today we answer this question and dive into some of the science of muscle...
Category: Nutrition
Cottage cheese is packed with slow digesting protein and is a great addition to your diet. This article covers everything you want to know about cottage cheese.
There is no doubt that you’ve heard the saying, “Drink plenty of milk to grow big and strong.” But, how much truth is there to this statement? Is that truly the case, or have we been led to...
Have you experienced brain fog after an intense training session? Can't think straight the day after leg day? In this article we discuss why it happens and how to avoid it.
Lifting weights in a fasted state is possible, but is it ideal? Read this article for all the details on how to train fasted effectively and hear about my own personal experiences with fasted vs fed...
L-carnitine has been shown to increase fat oxidation and allow the body to use more fat as fuel while preserving muscle glycogen, but only when taken with carbs. Let's look at how and why to...